Quality management
in mechanical engineering
A look behind the scenes
In March 2020, Pascal Vilaca joined our quality management team. In just one year, he has already brought a number of positive changes to our company. You can find out what they are here.
Have you ever heard of a spring testing machine?
We accompany our colleague Pascal Vilaca. He tests a batch of tension springs on our spring testing machine. You can see how this works in the video
The tension springs ensure the correct engagement speed for our centrifugal clutches and centrifugal brakes in the appropriate number and design. Companies and people rely on our centrifugal clutches and centrifugal brakes, so quality is our top priority, especially when it comes to life-safety or life-saving applications.
An important criterion in our production-accompanying quality assurance is therefore the verification of the correct switch-on speed. To ensure this for the series, we first test the springs with the testing machine during the incoming goods inspection and compare the data with our own specification. Then the results are checked during the switch-on test on a centrifugal clutch or centrifugal brake.
Figures, data and facts create a solid basis of measured values to sustainably optimize and monitor our quality standards.
Switch-on test of our centrifugal clutches and brakes
When we talk about centrifugal clutches, everything literally revolves around the drive of machines. With centrifugal brakes, we ensure that movement is slowed down so that man or machine, for example in a descending device, lands slowly and safely on the ground again. The functional principle is the same for both products, but we will go into this in more detail in a separate article.
In the last section, we introduced you to our spring testing machine and mentioned the switch-on test in passing. Here we show you how we perform the switch-on test and what insights it gives us.
Every series that is assembled in our assembly is checked before complete assembly. This means that we assemble a few couplings in advance and put them through their paces. Only then is the order completely assembled.
Dimensional accuracy and rotatability of the clutches and brakes are further criteria for testing. If the clutch or brake can be mounted without any problems, the engagement test is carried out.
The switch-on speed is determined and documented if everything fits. The order is then released for assembly. If the switch-on speed is not correct, our quality manager Pascal Vilaca checks the cause and discusses possible solutions with his colleagues in the design department.
Calibration of the measuring machine
Our manufacturing team produces hundreds of components for our customers every day. As a manufacturing company, we are always optimizing our production processes. Human and machine criteria play an important role in this.
We will show you how we calibrate and then use our measuring machine. Our colleagues check individual production parts to always manufacture in the dimensional segment and according to quality standards.
Satisfying our customers and delivering quality are our primary goals. We rely on our employees and their tools to achieve this.
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